Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fatigue and High Blood Pressure

Fatigue is a real problem with artists because we can often get “in the zone” and forget time and people around us.  It can cause us to work much longer than we even realize.  I know I used to fall into that trap and look up as my husband walked in the door from work, suddenly realizing the whole day had gone by and I hadn’t noticed.  I didn’t have dinner cooked or housework done, and he would often beat me for it.  That was my first husband and gratefully I eventually left him.

Now many years later, I have a problem with blood pressure.  Of course they give you medication for that.  Who knew it causes problems with your hands cramping.  I surely didn’t know it would do that.  At first I thought maybe I had carpel tunnel, or a neurological disorder but when I ran out of blood pressure medicine the cramping and numbness in my fingers went away.  My doctor prescribed a different medication that helps a little but my fingers will still go numb after gripping my stylus for a few hours.  What this means for me is frequent breaks.  My fingers insist on me noticing the time and relaxing for a little bit.  It is quite annoying when I want to get lost in my work as always, but the frequent brakes make me back up and see how I’m doing overall.  They make me notice fatigue setting in and maybe that is a good thing after all.

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