Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Another Crazy Horse Rose in Watercolor

This week I had no trouble with the glitch I was having on YouTube lately.  Really good news for me.  Technology can get me down.  I enjoyed painting his rose and hope everyone enjoys seeing it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

My tribute to Black Lives Matter Collage

This is only one of my first tributes to the Black Lives Matter movement.  I think art should make a statement and try to influence society for the better and not take its cues from society.  We have a sacred trust with these talents and if we don't speak out with our gifting, who will?

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Elves and the Shoemaker Collage Illustration Reload

I didn't even realize that the audio voice-over didn't record properly the first time I uploaded this video to YouTube until one of my friends mentioned she liked the peaceful music.  I had to go listen to make sure it was low enough to hear my dialog only to find there was no dialog after I went to all the trouble of telling the story.  If you missed the story, here it is in this reload of the Elves and the Shoemaker.

Father Frost Collage Illustration for Children’s Book

Kevin and I fought with YouTube for 3 days putting in some 5 hours trying to circumnavigate the system glitch yesterday, but finally today I got it to publish.  What a nightmare.  Glad to have it ready though.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Crazy Horse Rose in Watercolor Speed Painting

These watercolor flowers never grow old for me.  I enjoy each one and I learn something new from each one too.  Painting watercolor is a joy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Xavya and the Bird Gift, an African American Folktale for a Children’s Book

My dear friend Marie Flint wrote this story for my alphabet book using an old African American folktale to retell.  It's so charming you won't be wasting your time to watch this one.