Sunday, August 10, 2014

Eat the Frog

I understand that it was Mark Twain who said you should eat the frog first thing every day.  Then everything else you do will be a piece of cake, well, because nothing worse can happen to you all day.  What he meant was that nothing is as bad as eating the frog, so you should do the thing you hate most first thing, and the rest of the day is all down hill.  Sounds like good advice.  People have written books about it, including Brian Tracy, who has a website called Eat That; a site on avoiding procrastination.

Well, some projects are the cake for me and some are the frog.  Sure, it’s all art and it should all be fun for artist, but it isn’t.  I think artistic creative-types are the worst procrastinators alive.  So when I have the chance, I go for the favorite personal projects as opposed to the assigned commercial ones.  I know I should not go for dessert first but I love it, and I hate the frog.  I know I would have a more pleasant day if I just ate the frog first thing.  It goes back to time management and priorities.  So, top on the list should be: 1.  Eat the Frog.

What is your frog?  What do you hate to do and avoid as long as possible?  Just eat the frog.  You’ll be happier in the long run.

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