Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Change and Disappointment

This has been a difficult week full of change and disappointment.  I don’t like change.  It makes me uncomfortable.  It makes “one late for supper,” as Bilbo would say.  I prefer routine.  However after I am forced to deal with change, I find that it shakes me up, out of my comfort zone and makes me face things in a new way.  I end up with a different perspective.  This isn’t always a bad thing.  As a matter of fact, it can be a very good thing for an artist. 

So as I look at things in a whole new way this week, I’m less sorrowful of the loss and hopeful of the new direction and new perspective the future will bring.  After all, nothing stays the same forever.  You either get moving or you begin to decay.  Things that stay in the same place for too long begin to rot.  I’m assured of not rotting this week. 

Look around you.  Are there things you have just become complacent about?  Too comfortable to move?  To happy in routine that you don’t see a need for change?  Well, look out.  Live has a way of throwing curve balls to change you and your point of view.  Just a different way of looking at things.  Have a great week.

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